Student Responsibilities

Education is a two-way street. As much as one relies on the instructor and the school for direction, guidance, and providing a safe learning environment, so do we expect certain things from a student.

Please familiarize yourself with the following before the start of each session:

  1. Email is the primary tool of communication and students are responsible for reading the email communications regarding class schedule and information. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response turnaround.

  2. As a small business, we rely on tuition to pay our bills and rent. We ask that you please pay your tuition prior to class start time. This helps us plan ahead and continue to offer excellent community jazz education programming!

  3. Please make necessary arrangements to arrive early enough for setup/tune, so you can be ready to play by class start time. If the class is in session, please wait to be invited in. 

  4. If you are a vocalist or playing an amplified instrument, please bring your microphone, and cable.

  5. Please communicate with the instructor if you are missing any music or other materials. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure they have the right sheet music in their folder.

  6. Please note, that the-day-of-class cancellations or no-shows will not be refunded. However, in rare cases, when communicated ahead of the time and only at the discretion of the school we may be able to offer you an opportunity to substitute your scheduled class with another one. This is done as a courtesy, and may not always be possible due to room capacity constraints or other scheduling factors.

  7. We strive on presenting friendly and casual learning environment where everyone can flourish and develop their skills. We ask that you be respectful and tactful to your peers at all times. Should there be any issues or concerns it is your responsibility to communicate them to the Director as soon as possible.


Dr. Yengsep’s Gig Booking Strategies


Major Scale Modes