Do you have a waiting list?
We try to place private and group class students as schedules and seating permits on a first-come-first-served basis. However, that may not always be possible due to variety of reasons. In the event that you are not placed right away, we can put you on a waiting list for the first available spot.
Why should my child study jazz?
According to the United States Congress, among other things, "Jazz makes evident to the world an outstanding artistic model of individual expression and democratic cooperation within the creative process, thus fulfilling the highest ideals and aspirations of our republic."
By participating in our programs, students are exposed to collegiality on the bandstand, learn the historical significance of jazz as an art form, get exposure to complex music theory concepts through performance of engaging arrangements, and start developing a strong lyrical voice by performing in front of a live audience.
What makes you different than other schools?
The fundamental technique that is taught when learning an instrument is similar in a variety of programs and approaches to music education.
However, when the same instrument is taught by an experienced jazz educator, the teacher positions the student toward a successful path of being able to utilize all the technical knowledge in order to master the art of improvisation, acquire important repertoire vocabulary, learn the stylistic nuances of a variety of genres, and last, but not the least, find one's lyrical voice on that particular instrument.
I want to hire a band for my event... do you provide such service?
We would love to work with you on your live jazz entertainment needs! Please use Booking page to send us more details!
I want to travel out of town for a couple weeks. Would I suspend paying for one month and resume payment on the month I come back?
If you decide not to participate in any particular month we require a 30 day cancellation notice in writing at which point you will forfeit your spot on the schedule. If you want to sign up again, you will have to pay the registration fee and wait for the next available time slot.
Will the monthly rate adjust accordingly on the months with lesser sessions or will it be the same monthly price?
The lesson fee is a monthly flat fee. There are 5 floating 5 week-months per calendar year. It is true that on some months like December you may get 3 weeks only, however on average student gets 4 lessons per month.