SoCal Jazz Academy LLC ("Academy") complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. The Academy does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.


All newly registered and returning private and group class students will incur a $60 registration fee at the beginning of their contract. If the students drops out, cancels, or otherwise stops participation in school curriculum they automatically forfeit their time slot in the schedule and must pay the fee in order to resume their classes.


Effective January 1, 2025, SoCal Jazz Academy only offers month-to-month payment plan with minimum 6 month commitment.


We do not provide pro-rating, makeups, or credits of any kind (the floating 5th week can be seen as an opportunity to makeup lessons that were missed).

No lessons or classes are held when school is closed. Check the Academic Calendar in advance for school closures when planning your family trips.


The minimum duration of contract is defined as 6 months minimum.


You can end the contract by providing a 30 day written notice via email to info@socaljazz.com before the expiration of your 6 month period, or anytime thereafter. Please note, you are responsible for the tuition of the month in which the notice is given.


Tuition and registration are non-refundable.


The Academy reserves the right to photograph and videotape students for training and promotional purposes. Please contact the Director if you do not want to be photographed.


Student and parent or guardian will not hold the Academy, including its teachers, staff, interns, and volunteers, responsible for any loss or damage of personal property while attending or participating in any Academy activity.

Student and parent or guardian release, and will hold harmless and indemnify the Academy from and against any claim, demand, action, or judgment that student and parent or guardian or any other person ever had or may have against the Academy, for any loss, cost or expense (including attorney’s fees) or damage or injury known or unknown, real or personal, sustained by student and parent or guardian while in attendance or participating in any Academy program.

Student and parent or guardian willfully assume any physical injury risk to the student that is inherent to training. Student and parent or guardian grant consent for any Academy instructor to apply physical contact to the student for the purpose of making any technical correction that is appropriate for instruction according to accepted artistic practices. Student and parent or guardian authorize the Academy to obtain any medical treatment that the student needs in connection with Academy training. Student and parent or guardian will pay all or whatever amount that treatment costs and will also hold harmless and indemnify the Academy from any claim, cause of action, damage, or liability arising out of or resulting from that medical treatment.